Is Your Home Ready for Solar? Take Our Quiz to Find Out!

Switching to solar energy is a smart move for both your wallet and the environment. But is your home ready to make the switch? Before you dive into the world of solar panels, its important to access whether your home is a good fit for solar power. To help you out, we’ve created a quick and easy quiz that will guide you through the key factors you need to consider. Lets see how your home stacks up!!!

  1. How Much Sunlight Does Your Roof Get?
    A. Full Sun (6 Hours a Day)
    B. Partial Sun ( 4-6 Hours a Day)
    C. Mostly Shaded (Less than 4 hours a day)

If you answered A or B, your roof is likely a great candidate for solar panels. If you answered C, you may need to consider alternative locations for panel placement or potential tree trimming.

  1. What Direction Does Your Roof Face?
    A. South
    B. East or West
    C. North

South facing roofs are ideal for solar panels, as they capture the most sunlight throughout the day. East and West facing roofs can also work well, but North facing roofs may require additional consideration or adjustments.

  1. What condition if your roof in?
    A. New or Recently Repaired
    B. Aged but sturdy.
    C. Needs repairs soon

Solar panels are a long term investment, so it’s important that your roof is in good condition. If you answered A or B, you’re likely in good shape. If you answered C, you may want to address and necessary roof repairs before installing solar panels.

  1. How High are your Energy Bills?
    A. High ($150+ per month)
    B. Moderate ($75 – $150 per Month)
    C. Low (Under $75 per month

The higher your energy bills the more you stand to save by switching to solar. If you answered A or B, solar energy could significantly reduce your costs. Even if you answered C, solar can still be a great way to save over time, especially at the pace rates are increasing locally.

  1. Do you have a Plan to Stay in your Home for Several Years?
    A. Yes I plan to stay for 10+ Years
    B. I’m unsure but likely 5-10 years.
    C. I plan to move within 5 years.

If you decide to purchase and not lease solar panels typically take 7-8 years for you to see a ROI, so the longer you plan to stay in your home, the more financial sense it makes to invest in purchasing panels. If you answered A or B, you’re in great position to benefit from solar. If you answered C, the solar subscription (lease or PPA) is a great way to explore.

  1. What’s Your Local Climate Like?
    A. Mostly Sunny Year Round
    B. Seasonal with a Mix of Sun and Clouds
    C. Frequently Cloudy or Rainy

In New England the idea is to produce a design that produces lots of excess energy in the warmer months so you can accumulate credits to use in the cooler months. If you answered A or B your location is well suited for solar. Even if you answered C, advancements in solar technology mean you can still benefit from solar energy!

  1. Are You Eligible for Solar Incentives?
    A. Yes, I qualify for Federal and State Incentives.
    B. I’m not sure but want to find out.
    C. No, I don’t qualify or incentives are minimal.

Solar incentives can significantly reduce the upfront cost of installing solar panels if you choose to purchase. If you answered A, now is a great time to invest in solar. If you answered B, we can help you explore your options to see what incentives are available in your area. If you answered C the Solar Subscription (Lease or PPA) is a great opportunity for you to save from increasing utility rates.


Mostly A’s: Congratulations! Your home is an excellent candidate for solar energy. You’re well positioned to save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.

Mostly B’s: Your home is a good candidate for solar, but you may need to make some adjustments or consider a few additional factors. With a bit of planning you can still reap the benefits of solar power.

Mostly C’s: Your home might need some work before its ready for solar. But don’t be discouraged – there are still ways to make solar work for you, whether its by addressing roof repairs, exploring alternative panel placements or taking advantage of financial incentives. Also, for the right amount of sun hours its possible Northwest Hills Solar can subsidize repairs or upgrades to your home. Schedule a No Cost No Obligation Savings analysis Now!

Ready to GoSolar?

If you’re excited about the possibility of powering your home with solar energy, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a free No Cost No Obligation Savings Analysis Now and we’ll walk you through the process of turning your solar dreams into reality!

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